After 50 years old, you need to: exercise transformation and diet transformation

After 50 years old, you need to: exercise transformation and diet transformation

50歲以後要:運動轉型與飲食轉型 in Chinese
Prepared Speech at 2023/05/15   by Dale Chen in Evershine Bilingual Toastmasters Club

To live healthily to 90 years old, it means that all the limbs and organs of the body can function normally for 90 years, which is quite difficult.
As the barrel principle says: a person’s lifespan is determined by the length of the weakest limb and organ function.
After 50 years old, it is not “exercise” anymore, but “health preservation”. The goal is: to enable each limb and organ to maintain its function synchronously, and it is necessary to achieve “exercise transformation”.
At the same time, in order to match the “exercise transformation”, it is necessary to adopt a low-calorie intake “diet transformation” synchronously.

How difficult is it to age healthily?

My father passed away at the age of 92.
He was still very healthy until 4 months before his death, and he could drive a jeep from his residence in Liujia, Tainan to the construction site, short-distance back and forth.
When he was 82 years old, I was just 58 years old, and my body gradually faced some problems. My father told me a very important health concept. To live a healthy and long life, all the limbs and organs of the body must be kept in sync. To live healthily to 90 years old, it means that all the limbs and organs of the body can function normally for 90 years, which is quite difficult.
As the barrel principle says: a person’s lifespan is determined by the length of the weakest limb and organ function.
Since then, I have started to implement my father’s health concept, and I have some insights to share with you here.

Can you elaborate on the barrel principle and the analogy of human lifespan?

According to the barrel principle, the capacity of a barrel depends on the shortest piece of wood, not the longest one. By analogy, human lifespan and health status depend on the most vulnerable part or the weakest organ system of the body.
Just like the capacity of a barrel depends on the shortest piece of wood, if this piece of wood is too short or too fragile, it will limit the capacity of the whole barrel.
By analogy to the human body, if a limb or organ system of the body has a serious problem or disease, it may have a major impact on the function and health of the whole body.
If you cannot effectively deal with and manage this fragile part, it may affect the operation and lifespan of the whole body.
By paying attention to the most fragile part, you can improve the overall health level of your body, extend your lifespan, and improve your quality of life.

How to keep healthy after 50 years old?

I used to be a soccer player and track and field team member in junior high, high school, and college. I graduated from college and continued to play basketball until I was 50 years old. My athletic cells were pretty good.
During this period, the body was “exercised”. Especially in adolescence, each limb and organ was “exercised” and strengthened.
But after 50 years old, it is not “exercise” anymore, but “health preservation”. The goal is: to enable each limb and organ to maintain its function synchronously, and it is necessary to achieve “exercise transformation”.
At the same time, in order to match the “exercise transformation”, it is necessary to adopt a low-calorie intake “diet transformation” synchronously.
Simply put: “health preservation” must achieve “exercise transformation” and “diet transformation”.

What is the concept of “exercise transformation” for health preservation?

The choice of exercise must be changed from exercising local limbs or organs to exercising the whole body.
For example, soccer, track and field, basketball, volleyball, tennis and other intense sports are only exercises for local limbs or organs.
Even in the gym, many people’s leg joints have problems later.
After 50 years old, you have to do exercises like tai chi, stretching, yoga, swinging, etc. that can gently exercise the whole body limbs or organs.
At the same time, you also need to do some gentle but longer time-consuming exercises, such as brisk walking, the recently popular on-the-spot ultra-slow running, etc.
Many people who failed to realize the need for “exercise transformation” in time still maintained the short-term intense exercise before 50 years old, often causing inexplicable exercise injuries, such as limb paralysis, joint pain and other problems.

What is the concept of “diet transformation” for health preservation?

After 50 years old, basically need “exercise transformation”, and can not continue to do some “high-energy consumption” exercise that may cause exercise injury.
Therefore, it is not possible to maintain the previous “diet” habits, and it is necessary to reduce the intake of “starch”, “high-sugar fruits” and “desserts”, but to maintain the amount of protein and vegetables.
Eat original food, that is, food that can see the shape of the food; avoid eating processed food, such as meatballs, noodles, cakes, thickening, sausages and other processed food.
In terms of cooking, use boiling, braising, steaming methods; avoid eating fried, fried, baked food.
In short: reduce the amount of absorption and reduce the intake of chemicals, so that food is beneficial to supplement the body’s nutrition, and avoid “disease from the mouth”.

What is the relationship between “exercise transformation” and “diet transformation” in health preservation?

“Exercise transformation” and “diet transformation” are the two wheels of health preservation.
Diet needs to be transformed, avoid disease from the mouth and avoid eating too much “calories”.
Exercise needs to be transformed, use a longer time, exercise all limbs and organs, benefit the body and not have exercise injuries. The way of health preservation should be both exercise transformation and diet transformation.
These two complement each other and can jointly promote physical health and improve quality of life.
Exercise transformation and diet transformation complement each other and promote the effect of health preservation.
When you enhance your body’s vitality and function through exercise transformation, diet transformation provides the necessary nutrition to support your body’s health and recovery ability.
The combination of these two can make your body stronger, more energetic, and improve your resistance to disease.

The above content was written by Dale Chen in 2023/05/15
The author has served as the deputy general manager of Taiwan Everlight, independent director of several listed companies, general manager of venture capital companies, and has assisted many companies in IPO, and has assisted in setting up closed companies for family business inheritance. Welcome to discuss health topics together

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